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Dual-branded embedded talent partnership with reduced fixed cost to help with scale, volume and talent strategy.

Reducing Risk

6-month guarantee of free replacement to reduce financial and time risk.

Candidate Experience

​Dual-branding to further increase success of outreach and a more joined up & improved candidate experience.


​No long-term financial commitment, ability to turn up or turn down assistance as and when demand desires it.


​A bespoke market and competitor report to help with hiring decisions. Includes talent landscape, salary information, diversity metrics, competitors, candidate EVP, attrition and retention.

Time to Hire

​Embedded partnership across the full talent life-cycle reduces the time spent internally on recruitment and reduces time to hire.


​Community-led and DEI approach improving shortlists aligned to your values and goals.


​Integrated NPS feedback to give actionable data to help improve candidate experience, time to hire and recruiter customer service.

"I can't say enough about SODA. We constantly talk about how important they are to Gitpod and see them as part of our team. They are flexible and understanding in terms of shifting priorities as a startup which is incredibly helpful to have a partner that adjusts with us as our priorities do. We would not be where we are without them."

Gitpod - a Trust in SODA Client

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