Trinnovo Group is committed to equality of opportunity and inclusion within the workplace. Our policy is to embrace the unique contribution that every individual makes, and to respect and nurture talent inside a culture of positive inclusion.

On equality, we aim to promote the talents of the individual - without discrimination on grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, age or any other prejudice to equal opportunity.

On diversity, we embrace difference, valuing the unique contribution of every individual and recognising the unique quality and strength of a diverse workforce.

On inclusion, we believe in mutual support and co-operation inside a culture that understands and values the unique opportunities offered by a diverse workforce. We have robust policies in place to counter any form of bullying or victimisation.

On belonging – we recognise that belonging is the result of creating an inclusive workspace in which every employee has the space and support they need to flourish. Our proactive approach to fostering empowerment and inclusion enables us to create a psychologically safe business for our people.

We want to be an organisation where our clients and our employees – without exception - feel involved, respected and, above all, valued.