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Combating Challenges in Machine Learning and AI

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13 July 2017 - 14 July 2017 13:00-13:00 London

​Our speakers for the evening were Lead Machine Learning engineer Kostas Perifanos from Argos along with Kostas Manolarakis a Lead Research and Development Engineer from Stratagem Technologies and Stefan Boronea the CTO at Proportunity.

Recent developments in AI & Machine Learning have enabled us to build machines with enough power to change society. Artificial intelligence and machine learning is being adopted by more industries than ever before. A look at how the sports and particularly betting industries are driving this technology forward, with a focus on how machine learning is being utilised to extract key information from large data sets. Building machine learning models is tough. Building and testing machine learning models at scale is nearly impossible.

Overall, the event was a success and formulated some interesting discussions as well as the chance to network and learn more about the topic itself. Thank you to all of those who attended and we hope to see you at our next Soda Social!

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  • SODA Social