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Blogs in Creative

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Are Tech Jobs Creative?

​It’s time for some myth-busting! Tech jobs aren’t all about number crunching, it’s a dynamic industry, and it’s home to plenty of the world’s most creative roles (it created a fair number of them ...

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Design Trends 2023: What's Next for UX?

More Artificial Intelligence! It’s being screamed from every rooftop in tech, but it’s not the only trend worth mulling over this year. The tech space loves asking, ‘What’s next?’ And in the weird ...

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It’s Time to Bring Your Marketing In-house (or is It?)

Is it time to bring your marketing efforts in-house? It seems as though marketing is less of a business function and more of a universal constant at this stage, like the speed of light in a vacuum ...

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Women's Month: Meet Niamh Harman

To celebrate women's month, we are sharing some of our inspirational community members here at SODA. Meet the fabulous Niamh Harman, Lead UX/UI Designer at Salesforce. ​Where did you study and what...

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Download Our Free White Paperdesign Trends 2021

Download our free white paper, ‘Design Trends 2021.’

​We focused on the latest impacts and changes that design is currently facing and touched on how the current pandemic has accelerated us to find new ways of working, such as working from home, and ...

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Junior Designers, Keep These Things In Mind!

Junior designers, keep these things in mind!

Today I want to touch on a few tips and pieces of advice for junior designers.Good afternoon designers, fellow recruiters, and everyone else!As mentioned previously for anyone not aware, the market...

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Junior Designers I Promise I Do Empathise

Junior designers – I promise, I do empathise!

​Blogging is something I've always wanted to try but never taken the leap – it was worth it for sure. I've decided that every other week will be focused on junior designers; their highs and lows an...

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A Iled Design Friend Or Foe?

AI-led design: Friend or foe?

​Artificial intelligence – are you a friend or a foe? AI is taking over aspects of human nature, our jobs and basic functions, all for the purpose of innovation. Scary to some, fascinating to other...

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Soda Socialwhats Hotdesign Trends 2019

SODA Social – what’s hot: design trends 2019

With every new year, comes an array of new trends, ways of thinking and designing. Last night we discussed which design trends will be taking over 2019. From thinking of you as a designer to the im...

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How To Design At Scale

How to design at scale – Brian Flanagan – Expedia

​Our speakers for the evening were Ted speaker, ex-Googler and now product design manager at Facebook Jonah Jones confirmed and global product director Brian Flanagan from Expedia.Jonah discussed h...

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How to design at scale – Jonah Jones – Facebook

​Our speakers for the evening were Ted speaker, ex-Googler and now product design manager at Facebook Jonah Jones confirmed and global product director Brian Flanagan from Expedia.Jonah discussed h...

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