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A Iled Design Friend Or Foe?

AI-led design: Friend or foe?

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AI-led design: Friend or foe?

​Artificial intelligence – are you a friend or a foe? AI is taking over aspects of human nature, our jobs and basic functions, all for the purpose of innovation. Scary to some, fascinating to others. Last night we brought together market-leading experts to discuss AI-Led Design and held our first London-based Social of the decade! We explored a range of different insights accompanied by endless networking, drinks and a year’s supply of pizza. “AI cannot replace us – you can’t put a robot in the shower…” – one of our favourite quotes from the evening stated by Patrizia Bertini. Whilst true in today’s world, there is still a posing thought that robots could eventually replace humans.Luke Grimes, a ‘friend’ of AI, invites discussion on emotional intelligence – “Robots can’t feel emotion like humans can, and therefore they are not a threat to replace mankind.”Chris Muir and Drausio Tronolone both offered perspectives on decision-making within AI. They claim that AI isn’t advanced enough to make decisions and cannot compete with the human mind. Chris Muir states “In the world of doctors, there’s no decision – there’s just an answer."

From consideration into the question of topic of mind, we believe that AI can be neither friend nor foe, but an ally.

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