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Women's Month: Meet Lina Yassin

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Women's Month: Meet Lina Yassin

To celebrate women's month, we are sharing some of our inspirational community members here at SODA. Meet the fabulous Lina Yassin.

Lina is a real example of a 'career jungle gymer' where careers are not linear anymore. She started her career in theatre acting and found herself fascinated with "learning and thinking," so, she moved to finish her PhD in Neuroscience. Lina researched "neuroplasticity " 10 years ago, her curiosity and thirst for learning drove her to Agile and organizational design. From " How does our brain work, all the way to, How can organizations become smart and efficient". Today Lina is bootstrapping her startup Numo which is a B2B software empowering managers to monitor their own growth career KPIs.

'My biggest advice to my younger self is: Believe in yourself, failures will be many along the way but success is the ability to bounce back and find your path again". In our AI era, I am on a mission to increase curiosity and focus on the human factor for innovation. This includes making workplaces more equitable by embracing not only gender/race/age diversity but rather "Thought diversity" and the ability to challenge one another towards a joint goal and vision.'