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Women In Devops Meetup Leading Devops To Achieve Success

Women in DevOps Meetup: Leading DevOps to Achieve Success

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Women in DevOps Meetup: Leading DevOps to Achieve Success

​Last night we had our ‘Autumn edition: leading DevOps to achieve success’, where we touched upon culture conversions and diversity within the Workplace, data mining and privacy, restoring/performing backups and resolving data crashes – hosted by the lovely Facebook.

Therese Stowell from Pivotal Software, Inc. answered questions specifically on transforming from software engineering to product management, and how Pivotal is transforming the way the world builds software. Ola Berjak and Gulfem Demir offered discussions regarding backups and restoring data crashes (and how DevOps isn’t rocket science!) Finally, Elina Lobanova gave insightful, empowering ideas on how we should work towards equality in technology.

Afterwards, we had an exciting and thought-provoking Q&A:

‘What software would you love to remove from the planet forever and why?’ in which our Founder Lauren Langdell jokingly replied ‘Tinder’.

As always, we would like to thank our amazing speakers Therese, Ola, Gulfem and Elina, and Facebook for hosting (not forgetting the delicious canapes and bubbly).

More photos here:


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